Integrated Hygiene System Consultancy

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Consultancy Services

At SGH, we don’t believe that there can only be one method or solution to fit everybody’s requirements, which is why we choose to go the extra mile and take the time to understand our clients. Our consultancy services extend across the board to cover various aspects of what we have to offer such as Equipment Lease & Hire, Scheduled Machinery Maintenance & Repair, Integrated Hygiene Control System Planning, Training workshops and various other services. Allow us to design the best option to suit your requirements to maximize the efficiency of our services whilst ensuring optimal costs. By planning ahead, we can help ensure uninterrupted service and provide additional support when needed.

Scheduled Servicing & Maintenance

For services such as; Indoor Air Quality Control & Ventilation Ducts Systems Cleaning, Kitchen Hood Systems Cleaning, Indoor Air Quality Control, Dry Carpet Cleaning & Pest Control Our technicians can assess & advise you regarding the options available according to the requirements of your facility to ensure optimal efficiency for your peace of mind. Based on the assessment made, we can help plan your schedule annually and put forth a management strategy to ensure your operations remain uninterrupted while we deliver our services. This service can also be extended to machinery purchased to help maximize the lifespan of the machines and the replacement of spare parts needed. Workshops and Training sessions for operating personnel are also available on request.

Integrated Hygiene Control System

The IHC is a service offered based on the wholistic ecosystem requirement of your environment. Our Integrated Hygiene Control System approach consolidates several aspects of our services to be customised according to the requirement of our clients & is an excellent form of planned preventative maintenance. Through such planned & scheduled servicing, we are able to optimise costs, which allow for clients to minimise unforeseen expenses related to poor upkeep while ensuring the proper maintenance of their facility in a timely manner.

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